Furcadia Static Dream Table
Capture date: 20-Feb-2009

Dream Table

ID b95 Std DreamURL Map/Patch Dream Name Notes
00 space E8+ furc://vinca/ NewVinca.map Vinca Nexus
01 ! T+ furc://mm01/ draglan1.map Goldwyn
02 " T+ furc://mm02/ arrival.map Abandoned entry map Map not included by default!
03 # T+ furc://allegriaisland/ allegria.map Allegria Island
04 $ T+ furc://challenges/ challeng.map Challenges
05 % M16+ furc://FurN/ FurN.map Furrabian Nights (FurN)
06 & T+ furc://meovannivillage/ meovanni.map Meovanni Village
07 ' M16+ furc://hawthorn/ <pmwinthawthorn> Hawthorn
08 ( T+ furc://imaginarium/ <pmwintimag> Imaginarium
09 ) T+ furc://theriopolis/ <pmtherio> Theriopolis
10 * T+ furc://acropolis/ <pmtempacrop> Acropolis
11 + T+ furc://mm11/ forest.map Forest Map not included by default!
12 , T+ furc://wylde/ <pmwylde025b> Wylde
13 - T+ furc://mm13/ <pmhw04_18> Damon's Infection Broken compatibility
14 . T+ furc://mm14/ crpilloz.map CraZee PillowZ Game
15 / T+ furc://mm15/ <pmtempimag> Imaginarium Replica of the original (mm08)
16 0 M16+ furc://dusk2dawn/ dusk2dwn.map Dusk Till Dawn
17 1 T+ furc://mm17/ furcon.map Furcadia Con
18 2 T+ furc://mm18/ furrball.map Furrball No official name found
19 3 T+ furc://mm19/ <pmhw04_20> Mystery Mansion Broken compatibility
20 4 T+ furc://mm20/ <pmfestmap> Festival Grounds Template map for festivals
21 5 T+ furc://mm21/ <pmhw04_21> Privateers
22 6 T+ furc://mm22/ <pmhw04_22> Death's Dungeon
23 7 T+ furc://staffdream/ red.map Staff Dream GOMAP disabled � restricted
24 8 T+ furc://mm24/ <pmhw04_23> The Village of Moanful Creek
25 9 T+ furc://mm25/ chess.map Chess Island
26 : T+ furc://mm26/ go.map The Ancient Game of Go
27 ; T+ furc://mm27/ pillowar.map Pillow Wars
28 < T+ furc://mm28/ <pmsnowimag2> Imaginarium Replica, GOMAP misdirects official clients
29 = T+ furc://aerie/ <pmaerie025> Beekin Aerie
30 > T+ furc://mm30/ go.map Client Update Map No FDL, GOMAP misdirects official clients
31 ? T+ furc://mm31/ go.map Client Update Map
32 @ T+ furc://mm32/ go.map Client Update Map
33 A T+ furc://mm33/ go.map Client Update Map
34 B T+ furc://silvershowcase/ <pmsilvershowcase> Silver Sponsor's Showcase
35 C T+ furc://zefiroth/ zefiroth.map Zefiroth GOMAP access disabled
36 D T+ furc://naiagreen/ <pmnaiasquare025b> Naia Green
37 E E8+ furc://welcomemap/ <pmwelcome025b> Welcome Dream
38 F T+ furc://festival/ <pmwinterfest5> Danival's 2008 Winter Festival Always the most recent festival dream
39 G T+ furc://festival2/ <pmsweetheart2> Valentine Castle Sweetheart Ball 2006
40 H T+ furc://festival3/ <pmsanctuary025> Sanctuary
41 I T+ furc://festival4/ <pmsweetheart2> Valentine Castle Replica of mm39
42 J T+ furc://festival5/ <pmw2008-1> Santa's Workshop
43 K T+ furc://festival6/ <pmw2008-2> Save Danival
44 L T+ furc://festival7/ <pmw2008-3> Frozen Wishes
45 M T+ furc://festival8/ <pmw2008-4> A Bunny Christmas
46 N T+ furc://festival9/ <pmw2008-5> Winter Wishes http://furcadiawinterwishes.webs.com/
47 O T+ furc://festival10/ <pmw2008-6> Fox's Corner
48 P T+ furc://festival11/ <pmw2008-7> HollyTown
49 Q T+ furc://festival12/ <pmw2008-8> Kitterwing Flights
50 R T+ furc://festival13/ <pmw2008-9> Furcadian Polar Express
51 S T+ furc://festival14/ <pmw2008-10> No official name
52 T T+ furc://festival15/ <pmw2008-11> Merry Gardens
53 U T+ furc://festival16/ <pmw2008-12> Ice Cavern
54 V T+ furc://festival17/ <pmw2008-13> Yeti Village
55 W T+ N/A <pmthanks> DEP Gratitude Project Dream
56 X T+ N/A go.map Client Update Map
57 Y T+ N/A go.map Client Update Map
58 Z T+ N/A go.map Client Update Map
59 [ T+ N/A go.map Client Update Map
60 \ T+ N/A go.map Client Update Map
61 ] T+ N/A <pmw2008-14> Yeti Mountain
62 ^ T+ N/A <pmw2008-15> A Snobun Story
63 _ T+ N/A <pmw2008-16> Winter Wishes http://fazart.org/winterwishes/
64 ` T+ N/A <pmw2005-25> Nightmare Hell
65 a T+ N/A <pmsponsorparty> Kirin Mythical Launch Party
66 b T+ N/A <pmtownmeeting> Town Meeting
67 c T+ N/A <pmunderwater2008> Underwater Realm
68 d T+ N/A <pmxmasdir> DEP Christmas Card Project
69 e T+ N/A <pms12> Summer Dream Entry 2006
70 f T+ N/A <pmw2005-31> No official name
71 g T+ N/A <pmw2005-32> The Devil's Sanctum Broken compatibility, Grand Prize Dream
72 h T+ N/A <pmw2005-33> Flesh Without Skin
73 i T+ N/A <pmw2005-34> Wolves MoonHeaven
74 j T+ N/A <pmm3> No official name
75 k T+ N/A <pmm4> Winter Holiday Celebration
76 l T+ N/A <pmm5> North Pole
77 m T+ N/A <pmm6> Michichan's Winter Game Home
78 n T+ N/A <pmm7> Winter Delights
79 o T+ N/A LEV06.MAP No official name
80 p T+ furc://bombalurina/ LEV06.MAP Bombalurina

Using the dream table

In order to access a specific dream regardless of present location, the Furcadia client uses the `gomap command. The command is followed by a base95 digit which represents the dream ID number (i.e. the digit # [3] for Allegria Island). The command accepts only one base95 digit, thus limiting itself to the first 95 dream IDs out of approximately 800 (subject to change).

If you want to move to a specific dream in the list above, click on its DreamURL or type `gomap followed by the base95 digit of the dream you want to visit (i.e. for FurN, type `gomap %).

DreamURLs are followed by the client with the `fdl command. Clicking a Furcadia DreamURL will result in the client sending something similar to this: `fdl furc://vinca/

Dream Mapping

The dream table consists of 81 static dreams which are reserved to main maps as well as static dreams uploaded by DEP (i.e. festival dreams, contest entries, dreams designed to force client updates, etc). These dreams are launched automatically during startup, considered ownerless and retain their ID even when restarted.

Dreams beyond ID 81 are "dynamic dreams". Those are regular dreams that the userbase uploads and others can visit through a dream portal, a Dream URL or a summon. Those can shut down as soon as they become empty and their ID is determined on a "first come - first serve" basis.

The amount of dream "slots" is finite and subject to change depending on the capabilities of the hosting server and how close the userbase is to reaching these limits. At the time of writing (20-Feb-2009) there should be around 800 slots, 81 out of which are reserved for the the static dreams and DEP.

Limitations & Deviations

While technically, the `gomap command should not allow you to exceed dream ID 94 due to base95 limitations, the code that converts this digit does not validate whether your digit is within the base95 limits, thus allowing you to access dream IDs way beyond this number. As long as you specify one byte, it can go up to the 255th character in the ASCII table, beyond which it can no longer be one byte.