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About FTR
IntroductionWelcome to Furcadia Technical Resources (FTR). This site was created back in mid-2004 as a centralized source of all the technical information about Furcadia that was available at the time. Its purpose was, and still remains, to provide people with information about the way Furcadia operates and help people learn to understand and work with it. Up until mid-2006, this site was among the most up-to-date sources of information about Furcadia and being revived again in 2009, it strives to become yet again one of the most informative and up-to-date sources of information that people can rely on. The FTR site in general, is a collection of documents - either written by me (Artex) or published by others to the web. Those people, thanks to whom this website was made available at a high quality and thanks to whom I know as much about Furcadia nowadays as I do, their names will be mentioned on the CREDITS page to honour their work that is now a part of this website. Basic User GuideThe website in itself is quite self-explanatory, so if you know how to browse the web, it should not be any different. There are, however, several things about FTR that may help you navigate or read more comfortably. Right now, there aren't many such features, as the site is only starting its revival, but new things will be added in the future and as they do, their usage will be explained here. Toolbar
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DisclaimerYes, this is the annoying "I'm not responsible" bit, bear with it please. This website contains information that was obtained through personal research and/or third parties! It is not guaranteed to be current or even correct - it's what we - as a public - learned about Furcadia. All these documents can be updated or revised as soon as new information becomes available and no notification is to be expected (although I try to let people know of what changed through news or changelog). This entire site is UNOFFICIAL! We've got nothing to do with Dragon's Eye Productions, they don't supply us with information or resources and me being in the council has NOTHING to do with this site! I don't represent DEP, I never did and most likely never will. Any information I post here is not official either - it was made public at some point or was authorized to be published and so it was. Most of it comes solely from 3rd party sources and if it ever comes from an official source, it will be classified as such and bound by the date it was published on. As you probably know already, this site was made in order to help people learn. The information here (for the third time) is not gauranteed to be correct or even safe, so if you choose to use it and as a result, you suffer data loss, damages or malfunction of any kind, don't blame me for posting this up - blame yourself for not being cautious! The webmaster of this site and its hosting provider (QuickFox) are not to be held responsible for any possible damage resulting from your presense here - all that you do here, you do at your own risk. LimitationsAs much as I like freedom of speech, freedom of information and freedom in general, I am afraid that this place still has certain limitations to what it can and should not disclose. Being connected to DEP in a way, I cannot put up privileged information on this page without consequences I am not interested in. This includes special commands (that were actually leaked to the web at one point), privileged beekin information, or sensitive bugs that may otherwise be well-known to the public. That said, this is not the only source of information and if you are looking for something that isn't here, try Google. "Intellectual Property"While most of the information here is public and noone ever contacted me about certain piece of work that they wanted taken down or felt like it was stolen from them, I understand that some people might not want me taking their work and re-implementing it into FTR. While I normally ask for permission when it comes to actual copying, please understand that once you release a fact about something, you cannot protect these words from being repeated by other people. Know what you can protect, settle down your facts about who made the document (because both of us can make a species table, it will look similar, but none of us will be entitled to both of them as their own work) and politely, without escalating the issue by making legal threats, tell me about your situation: what do you believe that was taken from you and what exactly would you like to be taken down. In either case, if something does get taken down, don't expect me to withhold the reason for that from the users. Perfectly healthy pages don't just disappear into thin air out of the blue... |