Furcadia Description Tag Reference
Capture date: 22-Feb-2009
Tag |
Name |
Group |
Source |
Shape ID |
HashTag |
Notes |
Furling for life |
4life |
00000002 |
N/A |
vs. Bunny |
vs |
252468719 |
N/A |
vs. Chick |
vs |
252468720 |
N/A |
Bataware |
misc |
252468721 |
N/A |
Fireworks (Canada) |
fireworks |
252468722 |
N/A |
Fireworks (festive) |
fireworks |
252468723 |
N/A |
Fireworks (floral) |
fireworks |
252468724 |
N/A |
Fireworks (RWB) |
fireworks |
252468725 |
N/A |
Fireworks (finale) |
fireworks |
252468726 |
N/A |
vs. Heads |
vs |
252468727 |
N/A |
vs. Tails |
vs |
252468728 |
N/A |
No pants |
misc |
252468729 |
N/A |
Yea toast |
misc |
252468730 |
N/A |
Film |
misc |
252468731 |
N/A |
vs. Treat |
vs |
252468732 |
N/A |
vs. Trick |
vs |
252468733 |
N/A |
Mask (fear) |
misc |
252468734 |
N/A |
Mask (fey) |
misc |
252468735 |
N/A |
Mask (fun) |
misc |
252468736 |
N/A |
Werewolf for life |
4life |
252468737 |
N/A |
Snowball kiwi |
misc |
252468738 |
N/A |
Snowball penguin |
misc |
252468739 |
N/A |
vs. Hug |
vs |
252468748 |
N/A |
vs. Kiss |
vs |
252468749 |
N/A |
Fireworks (carnival) |
fireworks |
252468750 |
N/A |
Carnival! |
misc |
252468751 |
N/A |
Beads stack |
Carnival beads |
misc |
252468752 |
N/A |
T ring |
misc |
252468753 |
N/A |
Blue smily |
misc |
252468754 |
N/A |
Kirin for life |
4life |
252468755 |
N/A |
Noble for life |
4life |
252468756 |
N/A |
Noble for life |
4life |
252468757 |
N/A |
Duplicate? |
Reindeer for life |
4life |
252468758 |
N/A |
Catten for life |
4life |
252468759 |
N/A |
Owlen for life |
4life |
252468760 |
N/A |
Peacock for life |
4life |
252468761 |
N/A |
Noble jam |
misc |
252468762 |
N/A |
Wings for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
0 |
#Cspc |
�spc� meaning Space |
Dragon for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
1 |
#C! |
Gryffe for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
2 |
#C� |
Phoenix for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
3 |
#C# |
Verified adult |
misc |
desctags.fox |
4 |
#C$ |
�VA� |
Silver sponsor |
sponsor |
desctags.fox |
5 |
#C% |
�SS� |
Gold sponsor |
sponsor |
desctags.fox |
6 |
#C& |
�GS� |
Diamond sponsor |
sponsor |
desctags.fox |
7 |
#C' |
Golden cup |
contest |
desctags.fox |
8 |
#C( |
Contest winner symbol - 1st place |
Silver cup |
contest |
desctags.fox |
9 |
#C) |
Contest winner symbol - 2nd place |
Bronze cup |
contest |
desctags.fox |
10 |
#C* |
Contest winner symbol � 3rd place |
Star wreath |
contest |
desctags.fox |
11 |
#C+ |
Contest winner symbol |
Diamond ring |
misc |
desctags.fox |
12 |
#C, |
Engagement ring |
Ring |
misc |
desctags.fox |
13 |
#C. |
Wedding ring |
Linked rings |
misc |
desctags.fox |
14 |
#C/ |
Linked hearts |
valentine |
desctags.fox |
15 |
#C0 |
Valentine Desctag |
Linked rings with leaves |
misc |
desctags.fox |
16 |
#C1 |
Linked hearts with leaves |
misc |
desctags.fox |
17 |
#C2 |
Linked rings with paws |
misc |
desctags.fox |
18 |
#C3 |
Linked hearts with paws |
misc |
desctags.fox |
19 |
#C4 |
Birthday cake |
misc |
desctags.fox |
20 |
#C5 |
Cookie |
misc |
desctags.fox |
21 |
#C6 |
Pie flying |
misc |
desctags.fox |
22 |
#C7 |
Throwing pies |
Four-leaved clover |
misc |
desctags.fox |
23 |
#C8 |
Yo-yo |
misc |
desctags.fox |
24 |
#C9 |
Rubber duck |
misc |
desctags.fox |
25 |
#C: |
Car |
misc |
desctags.fox |
26 |
#C; |
Red rose |
rose |
desctags.fox |
27 |
#C< |
White rose |
rose |
desctags.fox |
28 |
#C= |
Yellow rose |
rose |
desctags.fox |
29 |
#C> |
Magic wand |
misc |
desctags.fox |
30 |
#C? |
Sword |
misc |
desctags.fox |
31 |
#C@ |
Flaming sword |
misc |
desctags.fox |
32 |
#CA |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
33 |
#CB |
Q-code |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
34 |
#CC |
Ask |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
35 |
#CD |
Bi |
QQQ:Bm |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
36 |
#CE |
Bi, male preference |
QQQ:Bf |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
37 |
#CF |
Bi, female preference |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
38 |
#CG |
Chaste |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
39 |
#CH |
Disinterested |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
40 |
#CI |
Exotic taste |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
41 |
#CJ |
Female offline |
QQQ:Gm |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
42 |
#CK |
Gay |
QQQ:Gf |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
43 |
#CL |
Lesbian |
QQQ:Hm |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
44 |
#CM |
Heterosexual male |
QQQ:Hf |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
45 |
#CN |
Heterosexual female |
QQQ:i |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
46 |
#CO |
Contact information |
QQQ:i:Trillian(?) |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
47 |
#CP |
Trillian user |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
48 |
#CQ |
ICQ messenger user |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
49 |
#CR |
AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) user |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
50 |
#CS |
MSN messenger user |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
51 |
#CT |
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) user |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
52 |
#CU |
Male offline |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
53 |
#CV |
Got a webpage |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
54 |
#CW |
Open relationship |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
55 |
#CX |
Personal Player (PP) |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
56 |
#CY |
Strict Roleplayer (RP) |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
57 |
#CZ |
Socializer (Non-RP/PP) |
qqq |
desctags.fox |
58 |
#C[ |
Taken |
Hearts with wand |
misc |
desctags.fox |
59 |
#C\ |
Paw |
misc |
desctags.fox |
60 |
#C] |
Felorin signature |
Magic lamp |
misc |
desctags.fox |
61 |
#C^ |
Talzhemir signature |
Heart |
misc |
desctags.fox |
62 |
#C_ |
Emerald Flame signature |
Fox |
misc |
desctags.fox |
63 |
#C` |
sanctimonious signature |
Pillow flying |
misc |
desctags.fox |
64 |
#Ca |
Throwing pillows |
Black rose |
rose |
desctags.fox |
65 |
#Cb |
Purple rose |
rose |
desctags.fox |
66 |
#Cc |
Pizza |
misc |
desctags.fox |
67 |
#Cd |
Pizza slice |
misc |
desctags.fox |
68 |
#Ce |
Cake |
misc |
desctags.fox |
69 |
N/A |
Cake slice |
misc |
desctags.fox |
70 |
N/A |
Lucky 1 |
misc |
desctags.fox |
71 |
N/A |
Lucky 2 |
misc |
desctags.fox |
72 |
N/A |
Lucky 3 |
misc |
desctags.fox |
73 |
N/A |
Turkey plate |
misc |
desctags.fox |
74 |
N/A |
Ear of corn |
misc |
desctags.fox |
75 |
N/A |
Turkey drumstick |
misc |
desctags.fox |
76 |
N/A |
Easter egg basket |
misc |
desctags.fox |
77 |
N/A |
Easter egg |
misc |
desctags.fox |
78 |
N/A |
Dynamite |
misc |
desctags.fox |
79 |
N/A |
Cornucopia |
misc |
desctags.fox |
80 |
N/A |
Sun |
misc |
desctags.fox |
81 |
N/A |
Moon |
misc |
desctags.fox |
82 |
N/A |
Eclipse |
misc |
desctags.fox |
83 |
N/A |
Pumpkin head |
misc |
desctags.fox |
84 |
N/A |
Chinese 1 |
misc |
desctags.fox |
85 |
N/A |
Chinese 2 |
misc |
desctags.fox |
86 |
N/A |
Muffin plate |
misc |
desctags.fox |
87 |
N/A |
Muffin |
misc |
desctags.fox |
88 |
N/A |
Flowers |
misc |
desctags.fox |
89 |
N/A |
Flower bouquet |
misc |
desctags.fox |
90 |
N/A |
Solstice |
misc |
desctags.fox |
91 |
N/A |
Bells |
misc |
desctags.fox |
92 |
N/A |
Pillows |
misc |
desctags.fox |
93 |
N/A |
Throwing pillow stack |
Pies |
misc |
desctags.fox |
94 |
N/A |
Throwing pies stack |
vs. Pirates |
vs |
desctags.fox |
95 |
N/A |
Pirate flag |
Kitterwing for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
96 |
N/A |
Wolven for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
97 |
N/A |
Prime wings for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
98 |
N/A |
Pineapple |
misc |
desctags.fox |
99 |
N/A |
vs. Ninjas |
vs |
desctags.fox |
100 |
N/A |
Shuriken |
Bat for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
101 |
N/A |
Santa hat |
misc |
desctags.fox |
102 |
N/A |
Holly |
misc |
desctags.fox |
103 |
N/A |
Ghost |
misc |
desctags.fox |
104 |
N/A |
vs. Werewolf |
vs |
desctags.fox |
105 |
N/A |
vs. Vampire |
vs |
desctags.fox |
106 |
N/A |
Owl |
misc |
desctags.fox |
107 |
N/A |
SD bag |
misc |
desctags.fox |
108 |
N/A |
Silver Dragonscales |
CD bag |
misc |
desctags.fox |
109 |
N/A |
Copper Dragonscales |
Wreath |
misc |
desctags.fox |
110 |
N/A |
Candy cane |
misc |
desctags.fox |
111 |
N/A |
vs. Nice |
vs |
desctags.fox |
112 |
N/A |
vs. Naughty |
vs |
desctags.fox |
113 |
N/A |
Snowball |
misc |
desctags.fox |
114 |
N/A |
Throwing snowballs |
Snowball pile |
misc |
desctags.fox |
115 |
N/A |
Throwing snowball stack |
Wrapping, purple |
misc |
desctags.fox |
116 |
N/A |
Wrapping, red |
misc |
desctags.fox |
117 |
N/A |
Wrapping, red |
misc |
desctags.fox |
118 |
N/A |
Wrapping, white |
misc |
desctags.fox |
119 |
N/A |
Envelope |
misc |
desctags.fox |
120 |
N/A |
Gold star |
misc |
desctags.fox |
121 |
N/A |
Christmas tree |
misc |
desctags.fox |
122 |
N/A |
Seasons greetings |
misc |
desctags.fox |
123 |
N/A |
Pongo juice |
misc |
desctags.fox |
124 |
N/A |
Pongo juice cup |
misc |
desctags.fox |
125 |
N/A |
Snug |
misc |
desctags.fox |
126 |
N/A |
Hot cuppa caraf |
misc |
desctags.fox |
127 |
N/A |
Hot cuppa |
misc |
desctags.fox |
128 |
N/A |
Blue apple |
misc |
desctags.fox |
129 |
N/A |
Snowflake |
misc |
desctags.fox |
130 |
N/A |
vs. Cat |
vs |
desctags.fox |
131 |
N/A |
vs. Dog |
vs |
desctags.fox |
132 |
N/A |
Shadow cat |
misc |
desctags.fox |
133 |
N/A |
Shadow dog |
misc |
desctags.fox |
134 |
N/A |
Tygard for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
135 |
N/A |
Leonen for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
136 |
N/A |
Unicorn for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
137 |
N/A |
Foxen for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
138 |
N/A |
Classic wings for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
139 |
N/A |
Butterfly wings for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
140 |
N/A |
Penguin for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
141 |
N/A |
Kiwi for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
142 |
N/A |
Bat for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
143 |
N/A |
Chinchilla for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
144 |
N/A |
Flox for life |
4life |
desctags.fox |
145 |
N/A |
Valentine |
valentine |
desctags.fox |
146 |
N/A |
Valentine fancy |
valentine |
desctags.fox |
147 |
N/A |
Valentine secret admirer |
valentine |
desctags.fox |
148 |
N/A |
Valentine darling |
valentine |
desctags.fox |
149 |
N/A |
Valentine hot |
valentine |
desctags.fox |
150 |
N/A |
�Red Hot Valentine� |
It |
misc |
desctags.fox |
151 |
N/A |
�IT!� |
Awesome |
misc |
desctags.fox |
152 |
N/A |
Groundhog day |
misc |
desctags.fox |
153 |
N/A |
Blue bird |
misc |
desctags.fox |
154 |
N/A |
Group rah |
misc |
desctags.fox |
155 |
N/A |
Dream package designation |
Group taneest |
misc |
desctags.fox |
156 |
N/A |
Dream package designation |
Viking |
misc |
desctags.fox |
157 |
N/A |
Verified buyer |
misc |
desctags.fox |
158 |
N/A |
vs. Flowers |
vs |
desctags.fox |
159 |
N/A |
vs. Candy |
vs |
desctags.fox |
160 |
N/A |
Smile |
emoticons |
smileys.fsh |
0 |
#SA |
CTRL+1 |
Tongue |
emoticons |
smileys.fsh |
1 |
#SB |
CTRL+2 |
Frown |
emoticons |
smileys.fsh |
2 |
#SC |
CTRL+3 |
Wink |
emoticons |
smileys.fsh |
3 |
#SD |
CTRL+4 |
Grin |
emoticons |
smileys.fsh |
4 |
#SE |
CTRL+5 |
Surprise |
emoticons |
smileys.fsh |
5 |
#SF |
CTRL+6 |
Goofy |
emoticons |
smileys.fsh |
6 |
#SG |
CTRL+7 |
Snarl |
emoticons |
smileys.fsh |
7 |
#SH |
CTRL+8 |
Growl |
emoticons |
smileys.fsh |
8 |
#SI |
CTRL+9 |
Sulky |
emoticons |
smileys.fsh |
9 |
#SJ |
CTRL+0 |
Smirk |
emoticons |
smileys.fsh |
10 |
#SK |
Teary (crying) |
emoticons |
smileys.fsh |
11 |
#SL |
Musical note |
emoticons |
smileys.fsh |
12 |
#SM |
OOC (Out of Character) |
emoticons |
smileys.fsh |
13 |
#SN |
Heart |
emoticons |
smileys.fsh |
14 |
#SO |
emoticons |
smileys.fsh |
15 |
#SP |
Blush |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
0 |
#SQ |
Happy glow |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
1 |
#SR |
Tease |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
2 |
#SS |
Hungry |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
3 |
#ST |
Gack! |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
4 |
#SU |
Doh! |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
5 |
#SV |
Innocent |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
6 |
#SW |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
7 |
#SX |
Sweatdrop |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
8 |
#SY |
Fish |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
9 |
#SZ |
Gold star |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
10 |
#Sa |
Thundercloud |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
11 |
#Sb |
Daisy |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
12 |
#Sc |
Bottle |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
13 |
#Sd |
Stabby! Stabby! |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
14 |
#Se |
Skull and crossbones |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
15 |
#Sf |
Thinking... |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
16 |
#Sg |
Blast! |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
17 |
#Sh |
Home |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
18 |
#Si |
On the phone |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
19 |
#Sj |
Need food! |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
20 |
#Sk |
Sleeping |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
21 |
#Sl |
Drinking fountain |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
22 |
#Sm |
Whoever drinks from there... |
Folder |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
23 |
#Sn |
Open fancy bracket |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
24 |
#So |
Close fancy bracket |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
25 |
#Sp |
Gold orb |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
26 |
#Sq |
Empty orb |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
27 |
#Sr |
Full green counter |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
28 |
#Ss |
Empty green counter |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
29 |
#St |
Full purple counter |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
30 |
#Su |
Empty purple counter |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
31 |
#Sv |
Rock |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
32 |
#Sw |
Paper |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
33 |
#Sx |
Scissors |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
34 |
#Sy |
Copper DragonScale |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
35 |
#S1 |
Silver DragonScale |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
36 |
#S2 |
Golden DragonScale |
emoticons |
smileys2.fsh |
37 |
#S3 |
Guardians, associate |
badges |
tags2.fox |
0 |
#BA |
Guardians, yellow |
badges |
tags2.fox |
1 |
#BB |
Head |
Guardians, green |
badges |
tags2.fox |
2 |
#BC |
Elder |
Guardians, blue |
badges |
tags2.fox |
3 |
#BD |
Member |
Guardians, red |
badges |
tags2.fox |
4 |
#BE |
Trainee |
badges |
tags2.fox |
5 |
#BF |
Blank |
Green helpers, yellow |
badges |
tags2.fox |
6 |
#BG |
Unused |
Green helpers, green |
badges |
tags2.fox |
7 |
#BH |
Unused |
Green helpers, blue |
badges |
tags2.fox |
8 |
#BI |
Unused |
Green helpers, red |
badges |
tags2.fox |
9 |
#BJ |
Unused |
Masons, associate |
badges |
tags2.fox |
10 |
#BK |
Masons, yellow |
badges |
tags2.fox |
11 |
#BL |
Head |
Masons, green |
badges |
tags2.fox |
12 |
#BM |
Mason master |
Masons, blue |
badges |
tags2.fox |
13 |
#BN |
Mason |
Masons, red |
badges |
tags2.fox |
14 |
#BO |
Trainee (unused) |
Scribes, associate |
badges |
tags2.fox |
15 |
#BP |
Scribes, yellow |
badges |
tags2.fox |
16 |
#BQ |
Head |
Scribes, green |
badges |
tags2.fox |
17 |
#BR |
Elder (unused) |
Scribes, blue |
badges |
tags2.fox |
18 |
#BS |
Member (unused) |
Scribes, red |
badges |
tags2.fox |
19 |
#BT |
Trainee (unused) |
Bugges, associate |
badges |
tags2.fox |
20 |
#BU |
Bugges, yellow |
badges |
tags2.fox |
21 |
#BV |
Head |
Bugges, green |
badges |
tags2.fox |
22 |
#BW |
Elder |
Bugges, blue |
badges |
tags2.fox |
23 |
#BX |
Member |
Bugges, red |
badges |
tags2.fox |
24 |
#BY |
Trainee (unused) |
Pixels, associate |
badges |
tags2.fox |
25 |
#BZ |
Pixels, yellow |
badges |
tags2.fox |
26 |
#B[ |
Head |
Pixels, green |
badges |
tags2.fox |
27 |
#B\ |
Elder |
Pixels, blue |
badges |
tags2.fox |
28 |
#B] |
Member |
Pixels, red |
badges |
tags2.fox |
29 |
#B^ |
Trainee (unused) |
Welcomers, associate |
badges |
tags2.fox |
30 |
#B_ |
Welcomers, yellow |
badges |
tags2.fox |
31 |
#B` |
Head |
Welcomers, green |
badges |
tags2.fox |
32 |
#Ba |
Elder |
Welcomers, blue |
badges |
tags2.fox |
33 |
#Bb |
Member |
Welcomers, red |
badges |
tags2.fox |
34 |
#Bc |
Trainee (unused) |
Helpers, associate |
badges |
tags2.fox |
35 |
#Bd |
Helpers, yellow |
badges |
tags2.fox |
36 |
#Be |
Head |
Helpers, green |
badges |
tags2.fox |
37 |
#Bf |
Elder (channelers) |
Helpers, blue |
badges |
tags2.fox |
38 |
#Bg |
Member (help center beekins) |
Helpers, red |
badges |
tags2.fox |
39 |
#Bh |
Trainee (unused) |
Teachers, associate |
badges |
tags2.fox |
40 |
#Bi |
Teachers, yellow |
badges |
tags2.fox |
41 |
#Bj |
Head |
Teachers, green |
badges |
tags2.fox |
42 |
#Bk |
Generic teacher |
Teachers, blue |
badges |
tags2.fox |
43 |
#Bl |
Group head (group-specific classes) |
Teachers, red |
badges |
tags2.fox |
44 |
#Bm |
Trainee (unused) |
Mentors, associate |
badges |
tags2.fox |
45 |
#Bn |
Group discontinued |
Mentors, yellow |
badges |
tags2.fox |
46 |
#Bo |
Group discontinued |
Mentors, green |
badges |
tags2.fox |
47 |
#Bp |
Group discontinued |
Mentors, blue |
badges |
tags2.fox |
48 |
#Bq |
Group discontinued |
Mentors, red |
badges |
tags2.fox |
49 |
#Br |
Group discontinued |
Associate |
badges |
tags2.fox |
50 |
#Bs |
Creator |
badges |
tags2.fox |
51 |
#Bt |
Felorin, Talzhemir, sanctimonious |
Irregulars, associate |
badges |
tags2.fox |
52 |
#Bu |
Irregulars, yellow |
badges |
tags2.fox |
53 |
#Bv |
Irregulars, green |
badges |
tags2.fox |
54 |
#Bw |
Irregulars, blue |
badges |
tags2.fox |
55 |
#Bx |
Irregulars, red |
badges |
tags2.fox |
56 |
#By |
badges |
tags2.fox |
57 |
#Bz |
Blank |